Lego therapy and autism
To evaluate if Lego Therapy helps autistic children to socialise and communicate.
Autistic children may be naturally attracted and motivated by systems of one kind or an other. LEGO is a highly systematic toy that appears intrinsically rewarding to autistic children.
We conducted clinical trials comparing autistic children who received LEGO Therapy with those who did not.
An earlier project confirmed that LEGO Therapy leads to improvement in social skills. Our work evaluating Lego Therapy has recently been summarized in a manual called “Lego Therapy: How to Build Social Competence Through Lego Clubs for Children with Autism and Related Conditions” by Daniel LeGoff, Gina Gomez de la Cuesta, GW Krauss, and Simon Baron-Cohen, published by Jessica Kingsley Ltd (
This is important as one example of a clinical intervention that many autistic children enjoy, and they learn social skills from it without realising they are.
To parents, clinicians and developmental psychologists.